Monday, 8 October 2012

Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Trailer EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cannot believe we have to wait till spring 2013 to get this game :D definitely amazing gameplay and new fighting styles, fighting more than one enemy at once widening the games field of play :P!!!!!

5 Piece Watch

For all the travellers out there this five piece watch showing the times of new york paris tokyo and L.A as well as my home city of london is the perfect time piece for bishot travellers who cant be bothered to change there phone or current time piece. Definitely liking the style with bronze almost brass finish for each time piece and the woven style of the background which is black leather.

Naruto Manga chapter 605

Hopefully like last week the new naruto manga will be released early this tuesday !!! lets here some comments on what you think will happen with obito and kakashi or whether it'll skip to Naruto or hopefully sasuke which do you think is the most likely!!!!!!